Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Mother Nature is a great teacher

Mr. P installed a unique scalloped trellis against the side block wall in the garden. I've dreamed of vines, tomatoes, squash, or peas growing up this fence line. There was even that thought of planting a succession of blueberry bushes.

Vine growing up Sunflower Stalk
None of those dreams actually manifested themselves in that corner of the garden. Instead, what occurred was far more interesting. I planted a row of sunflowers along the trellis. Then later I planted a row of black eyed Susan vine seeds. The sunflowers grew large and towering. From the kitchen window, I could see little birds hanging happily up-side down trying to eat the sunflower seeds.

Late last year the sunflowers became dried tree stalks as I neglected to remove them from the garden. By the end of the season, I was weary of the garden and let Mother Nature do her magic. I thought I would never see those little black-eyed flowers creep up the chain of the trellis and around the sunflower stalks. Then the nasturtium seeds from all the previous years started to follow the lead of the black eyed vine. And there you have it. The fence line created my Mother Nature with help from Mrs. P by the Sea! (and Mr. P too)

Volunteer Nasturtium and Black Eyed Susan Vine

Kitchen Bed and Utility Bed with the wall by Mother Nature in the background.

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